How To Prepare Jollof Rice With Ease

How To Prepare Jollof Rice With Ease

Ingredients: Rice, Chicken (chicken, beef or meat), cup of crayfish (optional), ground fresh tomatoes, ground Fresh peppers, spices (Curry, Thyme, Delice or Nutmeg), seasoning cubes bulbs of onions, groundnut oil, salt.

How to prepare: Parboil the chicken (or any meat of your choice) with onion and seasoning cube. Parboil the rice Bring out an empty pot and then add sliced onions to the hot oil and then the ground tomatoes/pepper after about a minute.

So divide the tomatoes and commence cooking with one of the halves in the pot, add the meat extract (meat water), water. add the ground crayfish (if you are using crayfish), a cube of Maggi if the meat stock is not a good as desired, add salt to taste.

Spice to your taste with your desired flavors and spices, then add the rice, lower the heat and cover to cook. You can add the other half of the fried tomatoes after cooking for ten to fifteen minutes, also slice onions and spray at the top and cook till the rice is soft.


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